label licker
JoinedPosts by label licker
Where are you from?
by BeautifulMind ini know we are all anonymous for our own personal reasons, so i understand if you would rather not say.
but if you don't mind sharing that would be cool.
i currently live in georgia, usa.
label licker
Thousand Islands, Ontario Canada -
Building Work
by truthlover inhas there been anything in writing sent out to the elders, co's re the stopping of the "ww building work yet?.
no one has mentioned anything at cong level but it has been mentioned about the bethelites being sent tot the field as of january - canadian bethel is being reduced by 40% and the ones remaining have been told they will have to do work themselves, i.e.
food and cleaning.... .
label licker
Truthlover, I know for sure a young guy that just got into bethel full time beginning October 1st this year and his job is washing dishes.
There were thirty older couples let go and were told if anyone asks why they have left they were to say they felt it was a good decision on the part of the GB and that they deserve their backing. The ones we knew were almost seventy-five years of age.
The guy is truly a bum who never wanted to work but to look for a girl who had an education that would support him. When that failed, he thought he would try bethel. Very lame brain.
Video: "Iron Sharpens Iron"
by wifibandit in
is this supposed to placate the ones who have been recently fired?
is this a sign of the aging jw leadership?
label licker
Hilarious! The interviewer says to call the branch if you have questions, that they are there for you and to help you. Wasn't there a watchtower article that said the opposite? That we are not to send in questions?
No doubt they are trying to look like shepherds more now that they have the whole world watching on about the Royal Commission and their pedo problem. Yeah, try calling the branch because you have been molested by one of their fine shepherds and see how the branch helps you.
When we took our manuscript of my six hour judicial meeting in to the Georgetown branch bethel service department, they never replied back until I posted what the elders did to me on jwsurvey and within two days (after six months of not hearing anything) I had received a letter from the branch telling me to return to Jehovah.
So glad we are far far away from them:)
wait lets get this straight the gb discourages annointed nutballs to get together and talk about the bible
by poopie inbut they get together every wensday and talk about the bible is that hypocritical
label licker
While visiting with the bethel overseer (overseer at the time, him and his wife got the boot due to old age), I had a question and asked him if we could research it since we were in his dinky bethel room. There was another couple with us at the time and he said they weren't allowed to hold any meeting independently in their rooms when studying the bible. He could do it with his wife and that was it. He didn't know why they couldn't yet them and another couple can sit all morning and watch the org's stupid Caleb and Sophia cartoons together in the room. Bizarre to say the least! -
My Mother Died Two Weeks Ago
by Perry innone of my jehovah's witness relatives called to tell me or my family.
just found out this morning.
label licker
Perry, I am so sorry for your loss and what the jw's did. They will have to answer for there error. Leave it in gods hands.
It's hard to believe my mother has been gone for twenty-nine years tomorrow. It seems like yesterday, Please take care of yourself and know we are here for you.
Sending you (((BIG HUGS)))
TV.JW.ORG - October 2015: Neighborly love is more than just Field Service
by Designer Stubble inthe october 2015 jw broadcast, hosted by gerrit losch is quite positive actually.a lot of focus on "field service" needs to be balanced with other good works - supporting those in need around you - either in the congregation (witnesses) or in your classroom or neighbors (non-witnesses).
visiting and encouraging the sick and elderly is mentioned.
jesus parable of the merciful samaritan is highlighted.
label licker
LOL!!! Supporting those in need around you and helping the elderly AFTER they are no longer the org's burden. How sad for all those special pioneers and bethelites that got their bronzed boot. Such a wicked cult!
James 2:15-17
If a brother or sister is in a naked state and lacking the food sufficient for the day, yet a certain one of you says to them: "Go in peace, keep warm and well fed," but you do not give them the necessities for their body, of what benefit is it? Thus, too, faith if it does not have works, is dead in itself.
I gotta ask,... Is the org gonna fade from itself and just take what money that is left and run?
by gda ini just can't shake this odd thought...
label licker
Makes me wonder why all the lay-offs of volunteers and putting a stop on future building. They have to look to the Royal Commission as though they have no money in order for them not to have to pool their money in with the other organisations that have a paedophile problem.
Isn't the money that goes into a pot with other organizations for pay outs to victims of paedophiles? It's like dead beat dads who work under the table in order not to pay child support. This will be the era of dead beat organisations who refuse to pay money out to victims of paedophilia. I wonder how the Royal Commission will keep an eye on these swines and their hidden off shore money.
Why expand printing facilities if all their literature can be downloaded from the web?
by truthseeker inwhy did the gb direct the expansion of printing facilities if their literature is already online?.
label licker
For all those lay-off/boot letters that have to go out to bethelites, special pioneers and congregations. So many changes they can't keep up with the printing. -
Bethel Layoff Notices arrive under Bethellite doors
by Quarterback injust heard from a reliable source that some at the canadian branch have received their lay-off notices under their doors at bethel.
don't know what the letter looks like.
probably something like, " the tribe has spoken, bring us your torches"
label licker
Quarterback, it wouldn't surprise me since a few months ago they let over thirty couples go who were getting up there in age. But now you say this especially when one of my lame dumb ass accusers from my jc got accepted and is going in this month to the Georgetown branch.
This punk wasn't even at my judicial meeting when his accusation was being read off. Apparently, I discouraged him when he said he missed us at the meetings and I asked him what it was that he missed about me. I was supposed to have put him on the spot meanwhile he was the one that chased me down the ally to my car and put his arm on my door so I couldn't get into my car. F cktard!!!!!
He has and IQ of a ten year old. He was made an ms at the age of eighteen while hanging out at all night shopping centres and taking expensive cars out for a spin from the dealerships. Never worked in one place more than a month and said he could never go to bethel because they have an extra meeting a week that would drive him up the wall. His family use to be mexican mennonites. So there you have it, the org only wants the cream of the dumb ass crops!!!
If your reading this watchtower, your lame brain's name is Paul Gross. You both deserve each other. Also ask him why he knows all about your Geoffrey Jackson and the lies he spewed at the Royal Commission. Paul is getting the word out about your pedo problems.
Total Lunar eclipse soon
by truthseeker100 inthere is to be a lunar eclipse very soon i'd be interested in your impressions.
label licker
Still orange in Kingston, On. My cell phone nor my camera could take a good picture of it. It was beautiful,